
All properties and methods that are available for contexts are described in detail in the API reference. The context-specific interface contains a subset of the C++ interface, refer there for the full documentation.

Retrieving documents

The documents property on the context is a proxy element (Lua table) that can be iterated.

for i,document in ipairs(context.documents) do
	print('Document ' .. i .. ': ' .. document.title)

Or it can be used as a dictionary, looking documents up by their ID:

document = context.documents['highscores']

Or accessing documents as attributes on the documents property itself:

document = context.documents.highscores

Creating contexts

Contexts can be created in Lua with the CreateContext() function on the rmlui global. This function takes the name of the context as a string and the dimensions as a Vector2i type.

new_context = rmlui:CreateContext('hud',, 768))

Accessing contexts

Existing contexts can be accessed in Lua via the contexts member on the rmlui global. They can then be accessed via name or index.

context = rmlui.contexts['hud']

List all contexts:

for i,context in ipairs(rmlui.contexts) do
	print('Context ' .. i .. ': ' ..