Statically in RML

The easiest way to attach to events with Lua is to write your code directly into the RML files, using the on* attributes. When the event is fired three global variables are set up, document, event and element.

element The element that is currently being processed.
document The document the element that is currently being processed belongs to.
event The event that is currently being processed.


<button onclick="print('Clicked!')"/>

Multiple statements can be called as in normal Lua.


<button onclick="print('Line 1') print('Line 2')"/>

Dynamically from Lua Code

The Lua version of AddEventListener is modeled directly on Javascript. This allows you to bind any callable Lua function or string to an event.

Method 1:

function Init(document)			
	element = document:GetElementById('button')
	element:AddEventListener('click', "print('Line 1') print('Line 2')", true)

Method 2:

function OnClick()
	for i=1,10 do print('Line ' .. i) end

function Init(document)			
	element = document:GetElementById('button')
	element:AddEventListener('click', OnClick, true)