The system interface is needed for RmlUi to tell the time, and allows the application to perform common tasks such as logging messages from RmlUi, translating strings, and setting the mouse cursor. The system interface provides default implementation for all functions, however, users may want to override the default behavior with their own customizations.

The system interface is given in <RmlUi/Core/SystemInterface.h>. To develop a custom system interface, create a class derived from Rml::SystemInterface and provide function definitions for the virtual functions you wish to override.

Elapsed time

// Get the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the application.
virtual double GetElapsedTime();

The GetElapsedTime() function should simply return the number of seconds that have elapsed since the start of the application. The default implementation uses the standard C++ chrono utilities.

String translation

// Translate the input string into the translated string.
virtual int TranslateString(Rml::String& translated, const Rml::String& input);

TranslateString() is called when a text element is constructed from an RML stream. This allows the application to send all text read from file through its string tables. The parameter input is the raw text read from the RML, while translated should be set to the final text to be given to the text element to render. The total number of changes made to the raw text should be returned. If the number is greater than 0, RmlUi will recursively call your translate function to process any new text that was added to the stream (watch out for infinite recursion). If your translation function does all the recursion itself, you can safely return 0 on every call.

Note that the translated text can include RML tags and they will be processed as if they were in the original stream; this can be used, for example, to substitute images for certain tokens.


// Joins the path of an RML or RCSS file with the path of a resource specified within the file.
virtual void JoinPath(String& translated_path, const String& document_path, const String& path);

This function can be specialized to modify how paths are joined. This is eg. called from RmlUi when an RCSS file is referenced from an RML file, or when image files are referenced from an RCSS file. In most cases the default implementation should be suitable.


// Log the specified message.
virtual bool LogMessage(Rml::Log::Type type, const Rml::String& message);

The LogMessage() function is called when RmlUi generates a message. Here, type is one of Rml::Log::LT_ERROR for error messages, Rml::Log::LT_ASSERT for failed internal assertions (debug library only), Rml::Log::LT_WARNING for non-fatal warnings, or Rml::Log::LT_INFO for generic information messages. The message parameter is the actual message itself. The function should return true if program execution should continue, or false to generate an interrupt to break execution. This can be useful if you are running inside a debugger to see exactly what an application is doing to trigger a certain message.

Mouse cursor

// Set the mouse cursor.
virtual void SetMouseCursor(const Rml::String& cursor_name);

The SetMouseCursor() function is called when RmlUi wants to change the mouse cursor. This behavior is controlled by the cursor property, the value of which is directly sent through the interface as the cursor_name. The default value for the cursor property is an empty string, thus, this can be used to set a default cursor. There are also some built-in cursor names that are submitted when the context is in a certain state, such as during autoscrolling.

The user is responsible for setting the system cursor or otherwise rendering the cursor as desired. It is possible to choose for each context whether it should call this function, see context cursor for additional details.


// Set clipboard text.
virtual void SetClipboardText(const String& text);
// Get clipboard text.
virtual void GetClipboardText(String& text);

SetClipboardText() is called from RmlUi when it wants to copy the given text to the clipboard. This is typically called when the user presses the copy shortcut keys (Ctrl+C) in a text input field. Likewise, GetClipboardText() is called from RmlUi when it wants to retrieve the text currently stored in the clipboard, typically after the user has pressed the paste key combination (Ctrl+V).

Clients are themselves responsible to interact with the system clipboard if desired, the default library implementation will only copy and paste text internally within the application. All text is considered encoded in UTF-8.

Virtual keyboard

// Activate keyboard (for touchscreen devices).
virtual void ActivateKeyboard(Rml::Vector2f caret_position, float line_height);
// Deactivate keyboard (for touchscreen devices).
virtual void DeactivateKeyboard();

These functions are called from RmlUi when it wants to activate or deactivate a virtual keyboard, such as on phones and tablets. These are typically called when the user focuses on or away from a text input field.

Additionally, ActivateKeyboard() is called whenever the caret position of the current text field is changed. The caret_position is the absolute position of the carret in window coordinates, while line_height is the pixel height of the current line being edited. These arguments can be used to position any input method editor (IME).